Sunday, October 28, 2007

I express my feelings too...

My mommy like to standby her camera to capture my candid shots, sometimes I entertain her but sometimes it fustrates me. In fact to capture my shots aren't easy, I moved very swiftly so catch me only if you can.. ;p

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My new toys

My colorful play mat :)

My rocker... but mommy just let me rest, no rocking yet :(

Do not disturb me with my hippo else I get angry ;)

Monday, October 22, 2007

Infant and Children CPR Certifed now

Cisco certifed had been common milestone for Daddy and mommy but little did they expect that Children CPR is in the portfilo now. Ha.. Anyway, my daddy and mommy are Infant and children CPR certifed now. Cool right ?

Baby Darius back from KK

Hello everyone, thanks for all your well wishes. Darius was discharge on last friday evening and daddy, mommy and wai-po been taking shifts to take care of him round the clock so no time for blog updating.

(Darius: Hello uncles and aunties, I'm back...)

As doctor adviced that little darius is still under 3 months (uncorrected age) hence we were urge to reduce exposure to too many ppl especially the weather is erratic and there are viral flu spreading around. When an adult is down with viral flu infection, it takes about 2 whole weeks to fully recover so can imagine the suffering for a little baby for 2 whole week or more. Seeing Darius suffered some much discomfort (went thru series of test, drips, suctionsfor phlem) for 10 days in KK, we are not taking chances for things to happen again; we are offically limiting vistors and outdoor trips as preventive measure. So don't be offended if we ask to excuse ourselves if you are had, having or going to have flu (we know u won't cos those reading this blog are close enuff friend or relative that we can speak freely :p).




We believed all close friends and relatives are truely concerned about darius health and wants the best for him like us. We will give regular updates in blog with lots of darius cutie pictures.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Happy 1st month to Baby Darius

Thanks to all for your generous gift to darius. We feel fortunate that we have lots of supportive friends and relatives showering us with endless comfort over this period. Sincere apology for calling off the buffet luncheon, we will certainly be back in action during Darius's 1st year old. For now, hope darius boy can recover from his viral infection soon.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Excited about life

Today is Baby Darius first trip out, visiting Dr Tan for his baby checkup. Like any baby, he seems to be amaze by everyday things and making those adorable "gahgah" noise over things like sunlight, cars and loud horns.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Home Sweet Home...

Baby Darius is back home yesterday. He had been visited by a lot of uncle, aunties and relatives. Being the first day home, daddy and mommy were abit exhausted due to the day and night feeds. Nevertheless, happy doing it for darius so long he finishes the milk.

See baby darius is so contented entertaining himself... give us more smile darius :)

Stick Figure Family at