18th month old cheeky and mischievous boy milestone update:
1) Still picking up new single/double syllabus at this stage. Favorite syllabus are papa, mama, popo, ah neh neh (ha, this is the only thing he fear of) , jie jie...
2) Attempting to run especially in open area/malls
3) Attempting to feed himself at dinner table, but definitely in a mess
4) Relocated car seat to front passenger seat and he is able to stay seated till destination with tibits/ entertainment
5) Undergoing another stage of grow spurt, more milk n milk n milk... snacks, beehoon, noodle...
6) Transiting him out of babycot and sleeping on single size mattress (But still in our room)
7) Favorite food for the month.. Strawberry, roti prata, raisin, yakult