Monday, August 25, 2008

Darius's 1st Photoshoot Session

We went for photoshoot last friday, its a enjoyable but tiring one :). Reckon other than our wedding photography this is the most tiring session. The package was quite a good deal with all soft copy burned in CD and get it on the spot, although the session was stated as 1 hr but the photographer was kind enough to extend to 1.5 hr as Darius was busy playing with toys and didn't cooperate well. Its not easy being a clown to tickle his funny bones (Darius typically love super dramatic tricks). Trying to rush to design an album for him as his 1st birthday present and a crazy week for work as well. Will try to upload more photos to facebook soon.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

11th Month Old (Backdated posting)

Milestone of the Month:
- Spouted 2 teeth at bottom (Finally :) )
- Succeed to climb sofa and bed
- Crawling around the house at fast speed
- Self escape from high chair and attempt to stand up
- Tried cruising around furniture but usually ended with falls
- Been snacking quite often. Love Fish, biscuit and bread
- Likes to ask for food when he see us at meals
- Response to simple request like "pray pray"
- Recongise family members from photos by pointing them when you ask him where is "wai-gong" etc.

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