Friday, July 10, 2009

We welcomed baby junior on 7th July

Pheww.. finally the trauma preggie period is over. And yes, we did it with lots of encouragement and help from close friends and relatives and welcomed baby junior on 7th July. Here's the birth story, more pictures on the way..

6th July Noon - Encountered some show, called Doc and was asked to monitor and visit him next day

7th July
11am - Doc checked that dilation is 3cm.

1250pm - Broke waterbag in clinic and proceed to admit to Mt A

330pm - 4cm dilation. Contraction still bearable, but based on 1st experience with VE. Opted for Epuridual to perserve energy

545pm - Dilation 6cm

720pm - Dilation 8cm

8pm - Dilation 9cm and waiting for doc to finish his c-sect case before trying to push

940pm - Midwife start to encourage pushing.. countless pushes, still not desirable. BB abit bit for my bonestructure to handle. Need assistance.

1020pm - Doctor came and prepare for assisted delivery

1039pm - BB finally out with help of vaccum. Weighing 3.215 kg, 50cm

Stick Figure Family at